Peter and Willow enjoying the jack o latern display.

Mama and kiddos

Spooky Jack O Laterns
October is my favorite month of the year. There is rarely a boring moment. This year has probably been a bit slower than a typical year for us because of the constant rain we've been having this autumn. Still we have managed to take a trip to Hanes Corn Maze in West Flamborough, ten acres through an eloborate labrynthe of corn. We made a night time trip to Howell's Pumpkin Farm in Pelham. All of the pictures are from that trip. What a fun place Howell's is. Definately my favorite. And we made one bone chilling trip to Dymet's Pumpkin Farm in Dundas. Bonechilling not because it was spookiy but because it was absolutely freezing! Dymet's Farm is goregeous in that it perches on the egde of the escarpment overlooking Dundas valley. It's a spectacular view. But it's very open and windy there on a good day. Yesterday happened to be extra windy and cold so it was frigid there! We didn't stay long.
October is drawing to a close. Tomorrow is Halloween and Samhain. Fun celebrations for the family. I will post pictures as soon as I can!

1 comment:
So many punkins! I loves punkins!
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